tirsdag den 10. juni 2014

#26: Second Thoughts

Hello Everyone! Just updating you on London life which is pretty good (: thank you very much) at the moment. Summer has finally arrived (: or so it seems at least) so I'm spending my days outside soaking up as much Vitamin D as possible!
   After the family returned from half-term last Sunday my work schedule has pretty much been back to normal and to be honest not much crazy, exciting out-of-the-ordinary stuff has happened during the last week. On Saturday Lea and I stumbled across a free, pop-up, street party at the South Bank which we joined for a couple hours dancing to some Latino-inspired rhythms and Sunday I just spent walking around lovely East London.
   Anyway, earlier this week I went through all my pictures from my time here in London and I found that I have quite a few, nice pictures showing everyday life that I have never actually posted here on the blog and since my time is coming to an end I thought that now would be a good time to share them with you. Looking through the pictures really made me all emotional - so incredibly much has happened since I arrived in September! Even though this has been a quiet week (: and maybe that is exactly why?) it is really becoming clear to me just how much (!) I will come to miss this place when I am gone… Sometimes I think maybe I should just stay :P…

x Sofie

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