mandag den 19. maj 2014

#24: Midnight in Paris

Hello Everyone! So, today I only have 2 months left in London. Writing it down really only makes it that more heart-breaking. However, to keep myself from dwelling on how little time I actually have left (: and from spiralling down into gloomy depression), I have made it my mission (: in collaboration with my very best Lea) to make the absolute MOST of these last months!! So far it already seems that we have way too many plans (: including a road-trip and a sneak off to Brighton) and far to little time… but really, it just comes down to planning… 
   Anyway, this weekend we weren’t heading out of the town, but back in time as we had bought tickets for one of the city’s currently very popular ’theme’ parties – this one taking us back to the 1920ies :P! To get in you should be dressed in the fashion of the time which of course meant a party of beaded flapper dresses, artistic head pieces, lots of feathers and guys in braces! Everything was just so thorough! From the live music to the Charleston inspired dance-moves, which everyone seemed to come up with – from the colourful cocktails to the crowded gaming tables. At the party, Lea and I met up with some of Lea’s friends from Uni and we all had a crazy fun night, getting tipsy and walking home in the early hours in a perfect state of gratitude and amazement over, well, life.
   As I was mainly off this weekend, I stayed at Lea’s place over night and we then spent Sunday making beautiful brunch and nursing our hangovers in the park.
   Enjoy the pics below, I apologize for the poor quality (: blaming my IPhone) and the strange lightning and colouring, but the whole thing was a bit surreal anyway xD.

x Sofie

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