mandag den 19. maj 2014

#24: Midnight in Paris

Hello Everyone! So, today I only have 2 months left in London. Writing it down really only makes it that more heart-breaking. However, to keep myself from dwelling on how little time I actually have left (: and from spiralling down into gloomy depression), I have made it my mission (: in collaboration with my very best Lea) to make the absolute MOST of these last months!! So far it already seems that we have way too many plans (: including a road-trip and a sneak off to Brighton) and far to little time… but really, it just comes down to planning… 
   Anyway, this weekend we weren’t heading out of the town, but back in time as we had bought tickets for one of the city’s currently very popular ’theme’ parties – this one taking us back to the 1920ies :P! To get in you should be dressed in the fashion of the time which of course meant a party of beaded flapper dresses, artistic head pieces, lots of feathers and guys in braces! Everything was just so thorough! From the live music to the Charleston inspired dance-moves, which everyone seemed to come up with – from the colourful cocktails to the crowded gaming tables. At the party, Lea and I met up with some of Lea’s friends from Uni and we all had a crazy fun night, getting tipsy and walking home in the early hours in a perfect state of gratitude and amazement over, well, life.
   As I was mainly off this weekend, I stayed at Lea’s place over night and we then spent Sunday making beautiful brunch and nursing our hangovers in the park.
   Enjoy the pics below, I apologize for the poor quality (: blaming my IPhone) and the strange lightning and colouring, but the whole thing was a bit surreal anyway xD.

x Sofie

tirsdag den 13. maj 2014

#23: Butterfly Pics

Hello Everyone! Et indlæg udelukkende om sommerfugle er måske en lille smule skørt, hvorfor jeg heller ikke vil lave det så langt, synes dog bare nedenstående billeder blev så cool at jeg blev nødt til at dele dem med jer :P! Billederne er taget på National History Museum's udstilling* 'Sensational Butterflies' som løber fra Apr. til Sep. - very much recommendable. Anne-Sofie og jeg var der tidligere i den her uge og vi var begge to ret imponerede :D (men så igen, vi har også kun Danmarks like 2 sommerfuglearter at sammenligne med.. ) Take care.

*En miniregnskov rekonstrueret i et stort telt på museets udendørsarealer fyldt med levende sommerfugle!!!

x Sofie

torsdag den 8. maj 2014

#22: Family Time

Hello Everyone! So, it's been a while, but I'm back now starting with a short but awesome post about how the month of April has been blessed with not only one but TWO visits from home (: and more to come in May!).

First up, Farmor and Christian visiting from the 7th to the 10th - the first familiar faces I've seen seen Christmas so you can imagine how overly excited I was! Together, we went to se the amazing Crown Jewels which are kept in the historic Tower of London and then we had real English pub lunch with fish'n'chips at one of the almost ancient South Bank pubs. We also went to see The Phantom of the Opera at Her Majesty's Theatre which was just beautiful and definitly recomendeable!

On the 11th of April the girls' Easter holiday started which meant a lot more for me to do since both of them where home from school. Among other things, we went to London Zoo i Regent's Park (: a first time for me) which was really nice, but also a bit stressful having to look after a 5y old and a 11y old in a place with so many people! I also went with the family to a Danish confirmation in the Danish church in London as the daughter (Astrid) of the Chiswick family with which I stayed for my first weeks her win London was among those who was being confirmed + I had a handful of playdates and trips to various playgrounds that week.

And then finally, on the 18th of April my (uhm, real?) family came! Something I had been looking forward to for weeks and weeks. And the perfect thing was that my (uhm, stepfamily?) just had left for Tenerife and had been so generous to offer that my family could stay with me in their house while they where away so that we could all stay together! Anyway, they stayed for four days and we had such a great time just being together, something I think was much needed on all our accounts. We did a lot of touristy stuff like Parliament, Westminster and Trafalger Sq, since it was Ida's first time around, but we also spend a day in the East London checking out Brick Lane and Spitalfields and then we went to see Lion King the Musical which of course was absolutly stunning.

I also had two gigs with my choir in April, one which at the Royal Festive Hall which is this amazing arts centre in the South Bank. Your choir is called LYGC and is a comtemporary gospel choir - check it out on youtube! ;-)
Finally, Lea and I had a girls' weekend in like two weeks ago which was pretty epic so to speak. We made cheesecake at 2am in the night and had a LOT of fun.

So, I don't think I'll say much more, but let the pictures below speak for themselves. I know this post ended up fairly long.. anyway, anyone who knows me know that I've never been good with word limits. Embrace yourself for some more London craziness in the weeks to come.

x Sofie

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